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À propos
Conseil d’administration
Comité consultatif médical
Ce qu’il faut savoir sur la NMOSD
Critères de diagnostic du NMOSD
Rapport de la table ronde NMOSD et MOGAD
Ressources NMOSD
Webinaire « Des experts »
Voix de NMO
Ce qu’il faut savoir sur la MOGAD
Diagnostic de MOGAD : critères internationaux proposés
Rapport de la table ronde NMOSD et MOGAD
Ressources MOGAD
Webinaire « Des experts »
Voix de MOGAD
Ambassadrices et Ambassadeurs de TSF France
Réunions de soutien
Les projets de Recherche financés
Nouvelles et annonces
Nouvelles et annonces
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Rencontrez Sumaira
Brain Chat " NMOSD Awareness" (2024)
New England Patient Day (2024)
新年快乐 🧧 (2024)
Sumaira Ahmed, on NMOSD Treatment Approval in Canada (2024)
Paris Patient Day (2023)
Verona Patient Day (2023)
New York City Patient Day (2023)
Double Seronegative NMO (2023)
Los Angeles Patient Day (2023)
Episode 2: Newly diagnosed (2023)
AAD2023 Webinar -TPE in the Management to Acute Attacks of Demyelinating Disease (2023)
Empowering Patients: Finding Purpose in Your Journey (2023)
Dallas Patient Day (2023)
6th Annual TSF Gala | Founder's Remarks (2023)
Connecting MS, NMOSD & MOGAD: Sharing Knowledge and Experiences (2023)
Medical Stories - NMOSD: Blindsided Within (2022)
Illuminating NMOSD (2022) NeurologyLive
With immense gratitude, 🤍S🌺 (2022)
5th Annual TSF Gala | Founder’s Speech (2022)
TSF's Imagine My Life With NMO (2022)
Happy Chinese New Year! (2022)
The Sumaira Foundation / Portal Instruments (2021)
Illuminating NMO The Power of the Patient Voice (2021)
TSF's Impact Video (2020)
4th Annual TSF Gala | Keynote Speech (2019)
The NMOSD Patient Experience (2019)
3rd NMO Awareness Gala | Sumaira's Bollywood Performance (2018)
3rd Annual TSF Gala | Keynote Speech (2018)
Voices of NMO™ (2017)
2nd Annual TSF Gala | Founder's Speech (2017)
Miss Bangladesh-USA (2016)
1st New England's NMO Patient Day | Closing Speech by Sumaira (2016)
Light Up NMO @ LinkedIn NYC (2015)
The Sumaira Foundation Website Announcement (2014)
Illuminating the Darkness of NMO (2014)
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